Hunting with Trophy Ridge Outfitters (TRO)
July 15 - 18, 2007
Copyright 2007, Christopher Long - use of pictures and
content by explicit permission only
In search of really good
long range prairie dog shooting for this year, I traveled to north
eastern Wyoming for a four day hunt, hosted by Ralph and Lenora Dampman
of Trophy Ridge
Ralph and
Lenora Dampman
17985 U.S. Hwy. 14
Ph. (307) 756-9776
Cell (307) 756-2194
Outfitter License Number: BG-353
The goal of this trip
(besides having a great time) was to get in some long range (1000+ yard)
opportunities, and possibly even a shot over 1500 yards, in order to
qualify for the VHA 1500 yard certification. I had worked up some really
good loads for the 6.5-284 TubeGun and the
260AI using the
new 130 grain Berger VLDs, and wanted to see how they performed at these
extreme ranges. I also wanted to see how the trusty
6 Dasher
performed as a long range varmint cartridge.
The town of Carlile is
located in the north western range of the beautiful Black Hills, and is
the home of the fabulous Devil's Tower National Monument. Ralph
and Lenora at TRO are primarily big game outfitters, and have access to
thousands of acres of private ranch land, chock full of deer, elk,
turkey, and other game. They have just started providing services for
guided prairie dog hunts, during their nominal off season, and the above
mentioned ranch lands are home to some prodigious dog towns.
The terrain is beautiful,
a welcome change from the South Dakota prairie, with lots of hills and
Ponderosa pine trees.
Once arriving at TRO, I
was greeted by Ralph and Lenora, and one of Ralph's friends, Mike.
Later, friends Chris and JD arrived, after traveling all the way from
western Virginia for this hunt. Our plan was to get in four days of
intense, long range shooting. We were not disappointed!
The weather was clear,
calm, and quite hot (by Seattle standards) in the high 90's. It remained
hot and dry for most of my stay.
TRO is located just a few
miles from the Devil's Tower, and the view from the hill where the ranch
is located is excellent. This is looking west from the TRO driveway off
of US Highway 14:

driveway entrance, looking to the northwest:

A view of the
entrance gate arch, looking to the east, from in front of cabin #3, my
accommodations for the duration:

Here is a view of cabin #3
(on the left) and my trusty Suburban Prairie Schooner. The cabins sleep
8 in two rooms, with a full bath, kitchenette, and even air
conditioning. Very cozy, and very comfortable:

Since I was
so close to the Devil's Tower, and there were a couple hours before
dinner, it seemed that a little sightseeing trip was in order. The drive
from TRO to the Tower was only 15 minutes, at most.
This view is
approaching the Tower from the south via the access road. The Tower is
solid rock, and is a volcanic plug from long ago. It is very large, and
very much out of place from the rest of the terrain. It is considered
sacred by the local native Americans. There is a 1 mile walking loop
around the tower, and if you are inclined, it is possible to climb it
via some steps and using technical climbing procedures:

closer view from the access road. The scale begins to become noticeable
by comparison to the Ponderosa pine trees at the base:

A couple days
later, Ralph took us on a tour of some of his hunting areas to look at
some game, and we had this beautiful view of the Tower from the north:

We started each day before
dawn. Lenora provided wonderful food for us, with steaks, ribs,
brochettes and other grilled meats for dinner, fresh fruit and biscuits
and gravy for breakfast. Lunch was provided in the field. Getting up
before dawn provided the opportunity to see some spectacular sunrises,
and even some game. Here are a couple of nice bucks passing through to
the feeding area. The amount of game in this part of the country is

We spent days 1, 2 and 4 working this immense
dog town. This town was no more than one mile from TRO, and you could
just see the top of the Tower over a ridge to the north.
The conditions were excellent, with very little
wind, perhaps 5 to 8 MPH, and steady. The only downside was that it was
over 100 degrees in the shade, and the sun was relentless. We drank a
lot of water this trip. In addition, an exceptionally wet spring had
allowed the grass to grow extra tall and thick, making the dogs hard to
see when not on a mound. More on that problem later...
These dogs had not been shot all year, as the
rancher had just moved a large herd of sheep off this pasture before our
The shooting was from 100 to over 1000 yards,
and the dogs were everywhere. This view is from the ridge on the north
side of the town, looking to the south and a bit west. The far tree line
is about 1600 yards, with dogs visible out to about 1100 yards. There
were plenty of targets close in, so there was a lot a variety. It is
especially challenging to move in and out in range by these extreme
amounts. It gave me a lot of practice estimating range and wind
conditions, then seeing if I could get the come-ups and windage right on
the scope for the first shot at the new range. By the end of the trip, I
was getting it pretty close, with some one shot hits out to about 600
yards. That's Ralph standing behind the Prairie Schooner next to the BR
Pivot bench and the 6.5-284 TubeGun. Chris and JD were set up to my
left, on their sturdy portable benches:

The TubeGun
ready for action. Notice the oldie-but-goodie Swiss Wild optical
rangefinder to the right of the bench. This thing is heavy, but very
accurate, and has no problems ranging out to as far as you can see,
unlike a laser rangefinder. I did use my Leica 1200 for the targets out
to about 800 yards, but the performance becomes iffy past that. The Wild
comes into it's own past where the laser quits working:

A close-up of the 6.5-284 TubeGun. Note the beefed
up forend tube structure, and the rear bag rail.
The load for the trip was 130 grain Berger VLD
moly bullets, over 51.5 grains H4350, Lapua brass, and a Federal GM215M
primer. This launches the 130 grain bullets at 3165 FPS, with standard
deviations of velocity in the single digits. I developed this load in
order to better the traditional 140 grain loads for the 6.5-284, which
like to run at about 2950 FPS. While there is another
at muzzle velocities about 3100 FPS, it is not possible to safely and
accurately reach that velocity with the 140s. On the other hand, the
130s make it very easily, with no excessive pressures, and scary, one
hole 5 shot 100 yard group accuracy. The primary benefit, however, is
that the 130s have a very high BC (about 0.6), and at 3165 FPS actually
shoot flatter and have less wind drift than the 140s at 2950 FPS. This
trip proved this conclusively.
My 260AI loads were also based on the same bullet,
using 48.7 grains Ramshot Hunter and a GM215 primer in
Remington brass. These pushed the 130s at 3100 FPS, still bettering the
140 grain performance:

I shot my
6 Dasher as
well. This uses my standard load of a naked 107 SMK over 33.0 grains
RL-15 in fireformed Lapua 6BR brass, and a CCI 450 primer, achieving
3070 FPS. The Dasher has proven itself in spades as an extremely
accurate cartridge for F-Class Open competition, and I was anxious to
see how it performed as a varmint cartridge. The performance was
excellent, with many hits out past 1000 yards. This rifle is set up as a
switch barrel rig, and is the platform for the 260AI. I made a portable
barrel vise that mounts in the trailer hitch receiver on the Suburban.
That, with a rear entry action wrench, makes barrel changes a 5 minute
affair. I would shoot until the barrel got a bit hot, then switch and
proceed with the other caliber.
Here is the Dasher (with
the Dasher barrel installed) on the bench ready for action:

The three of us worked
this town all day, and never ran out of dogs. Once the dogs got nervous
in one area, we would simply change aim to another part of that huge
town, and work that for a while. After that, the original dogs were back
up, and the fun continued. I made quite a few shots at 800 to 1000
yards, with all three calibers. All performed very well. JD shot a .223
Remington at ranges out to about 500 yards, to great effect. Chris shot
his 6BR and 6.5-284 at the longer ranges as well. Occasionally, we would
break out the AR-15s for some closer range (out to 500 yards) action.
The AR is a near perfect varmint rifle for the closer ranges, as follow
up shots are so fast.
WARNING - Graphic video in the next link, you have been warned!
For a rough video clip of
what the AR and the 55 grains VMax bullets do to a prairie dog, look
here. Apple
QuickTime player is required. If you have Quicktime installed, and it
does not run in your browser, right click the link above, and choose the
option "save target as", and put it on your desktop or other location on
your machine. You should then be able to view it with the Quicktime
We returned to the same
town as day one, and worked the dogs over all day. Still hot and sunny,
and very mild winds. During the mid day, we moved to a secondary
location, providing access to parts of the town that we could not see
from the primary (long range) location. This location on the top of a
small ridge provided some excellent shooting out to about 800 yards,
with lots of dogs in under 300 yards. The ARs got a thorough workout
from this position!

Later that
evening, Ralph took us on a driving tour to look at some of the game on
the land that he guide hunts. I have never seen so much game. I saw more
deer in one night than I have seen in 20 years here in Washington. Since
TRO is primarily a big game outfitter, it was clear that this was the
place to come for that trophy buck. We saw more than a few beautiful,
trophy class animals, just from the car, in an hours time. Ralph does
taxidermy in addition to guiding hunts, and his house is filled with
beautiful mounts, many taken from this locale. His work is exceptional,
and he clearly knows his hunting.
This was the day that we
were going to go for the very long (hopefully 1500+ yards) shots, so
Ralph was taking us to another town a bit farther away. As usual, I got
up before dawn, to get awake, and watch the sun come up. This day
brought with it some different weather, with a light system having moved
in over the night. The sunrise looking to the east from our cabin was
spectacular. Here are a series of shots taken every few minutes as the
sun came up:

We traveled about 15 miles to the dog town,
located on another private ranch. This town was at the bottom of a huge
ravine or canyon, about 100 feet below our shooting position. We could
literally see for miles.
The weather was cooler, with a bit of overcast
to help the mirage and keep us cool. The only problem we encountered was
that the especially tall grass and the sage brush all over the ravine
bottom made the dogs near impossible to spot unless they were standing
tall on a mound, or out in a more open area. This proved to be the
downfall of this location. We knew that there were literally thousands
of dogs, as the ravine clearly had activity for better than a mile, but
you could not see them well if at all at the long ranges we were trying
to shoot.
This picture shows us set up on the western
edge of the ravine, looking to the north:

This is another view from the firing point,
looking at our primary impact area. That little "bush" is actually a
large (cedar?) tree about 1330 yards distant. There were a couple dog
mounds and a few dogs visible there, so that was our first set of
targets. I made a clean hit there with the 6.5-284. Chris made a hit as

We then tried shooting a couple of dogs in a
clear spot a bit farther past and to the right of that tree (hard to see
on the photo) at about 1650 yards. Chris and I were able to get very
close a few times, within a couple of inches, but the dogs got skittish
and dropped out of sight. We gave up the long range shooting at that
time as there were simply no dogs that could be seen at those ranges.
Even with no hits past 1500, it was clear that
the 130 grain Berger loads in the 6.5-284 were performing extremely
well. It appeared that there was only about 6 inches of vertical at 1330
yards, and less than a foot at 1650. Had we had more visible targets,
there is no doubt that we both would have made our 1500 yard
We did have some fun shooting at the closer
ranges, out to about 700 yards. Here is Chris spotting for JD using the

Our original booking date was for mid May,
specifically to avoid the tall grass condition common with later in the
summer. Unfortunately, the ranchers had livestock on the towns until
early June, so we had to postpone our trip until mid July. We are now
planning for a late May 2008 trip. Ralph will be on the lookout for
additional long range locations.
Since the "ravine town"
had difficult conditions for spotting targets, we decided to return to
the same town as days one and two, and worked them over again. As in day
two, we spent the morning at the long range position (primary) and went
to the secondary, shorter range position after lunch. Even after three
hard days of shooting, there were still hundreds of dogs. I don't think
that we made a serious dent in the population, probably not what the
rancher had in mind!
Later that afternoon, a huge thunderstorm
passed by TRO, just to the east. There were high winds, and lots of
rain, but the center of the storm mostly missed us. Here is a picture of
the thunderhead after passing more to the south and east. This cloud was
immense, and obviously went clear to the stratosphere:

The storm and the late afternoon sun provided
us with this nice rainbow:

This picture of the western edge of the
thundercloud at sunset made me think of a large beast about to eat the

We had an excellent time!
Ralph and Lenora are wonderful hosts, the accommodations were great, and
Ralph is a superb guide. We couldn't have asked for better shooting,
even with the "tall grass" problem. We (Chris and I) are both looking
forward to next year, planning on a mid May date to avoid the tall
grass, and possibly make that 1500 yard shot.
Give Ralph at TRO a shout
if you want a good hunt, you won't be disappointed!
My thanks to Ralph and
Lenora for a wonderful time - you are the best!
I can't wait to return to
the Black Hills again!

Copyright 2007, Christopher Long
- use of pictures and content by explicit permission only